- 15 turvallista ja tehokasta sydänliikuntaa polvikivun lievittämiseksi
- Lämmitellä
- Istuva / makaava sydän polvikipuun
- 1. Istuminen Quad Clench
- 2. Istuu maaliskuussa
- 3. Makaa jalkakiharat
- 4. Suora jalka nousee
- Pysyvä sydän polven kivusta
- 5. Seinän kyykky
- 6. Assisted Calf Raises
- 7. Assisted Stair Climbing
- 8. Stationary Biking
- Aqua Cardio Exercises For Knees
- 9. Walking In The Swimming Pool
- 10. Side Walking In Swimming Pool
- 11. Underwater Treadmill
- 12. Aqua One-Leg Jogging
- 13. Aqua Squats
- 14. Step Up In The Swimming Pool
- 15. Side Leg Raises In The Swimming Pool
- Precautions
- Tips To Follow
- Conclusion
- Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
- 8 lähdettä
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15 turvallista ja tehokasta sydänliikuntaa polvikivun lievittämiseksi
Ennen harjoitusten aloittamista sinun on lämmitettävä vähintään 10 minuuttia.
Lämmittely on tärkeää kehon lämpötilan, aineenvaihdunnan nopeuden ja hapenoton lisäämiseksi (8).
Voit tarkastella seuraavaa lämmittelyrutiinia:
- Käytä lämpimää pyyhettä hieromalla polvea varovasti pyörivin liikkein.
- Ota lämminvesisuihku.
- Pyydä fysioterapeuttia hieromaan polvi varovasti ennen harjoittelua.
Lämmittelyn jälkeen voit aloittaa seuraavien vähäisillä harjoituksilla polvikivun lievittämiseksi.
Istuva / makaava sydän polvikipuun
1. Istuminen Quad Clench
Kohde - neloset
Miten tehdä
- Istu matolle tai sängylle molemmat jalat ojennettuna eteenpäin. Aseta kätesi takanasi kämmenet tasaisesti matolle / sängylle. Hieman nojata taaksepäin.
- Purista neloset. Näet polvikorkeidesi nousevan.
- Pidä tätä asentoa 3 sekuntia.
Sarjat ja edustajat
3 sarjaa 12 toistoa. Tee tämä 4-5 kertaa päivässä.
2. Istuu maaliskuussa
Kohde - Nelipäät ja hamstrings.
Miten tehdä
- Istu mukavasti tuolilla. Aseta jalat tasaisesti lattialle.
- Nosta sairastunut jalkasi hitaasti lattiasta ja aseta se varovasti alas.
- Tee sama toisen jalan kanssa.
- Tee tämä 10 kertaa yhden sarjan täydentämiseksi.
Sarjat ja edustajat
3 sarjaa 10 toistoa.
3. Makaa jalkakiharat
Kohde - Hamstrings, neloset ja pakarat.
Miten tehdä
- Kierrä nilkkasi vastusnauhan toisen pään ympäri ja pidä nauhan toista päätä molemmin käsin.
- Makaa vatsallasi. Pidä kyynärpäät taipuisina ja tukevat ylävartaloasi. Pidä päätäsi ylöspäin ja katso suoraan eteenpäin. Tämä on lähtökohtasi.
- Taivuta polvea ja nosta sääresi ylöspäin niin, että se on kohtisuorassa reiteen nähden.
- Vedä vastusnauha (niin pitkälle kuin mahdollista ja niin kauan kuin haluat vahingoittamatta polviasi) ja tunnet venytyksen nelipyörässä
- Voit aloittaa sen pidättämisen 2 sekunnin ajan. Vapauta.
- Laske jalkasi lattialle.
Sarjat ja edustajat
2 sarjaa 12 toistoa. Tee tämä 3 kertaa päivässä.
4. Suora jalka nousee
Kohde - Hamstrings, neloset, pakarat ja alemmat abs.
Miten tehdä
- Makaa sängylläsi. Pidä hyvä jalkasi taipunut ja haavoittunut jalka suorana.
- Kiristä reisilihakset ja nosta haavoittunut jalka hitaasti sängystä. Lopeta jalkasi nostaminen, kun sairastunut jalka on hyvän jalan linjassa.
- Pidä 5 sekuntia ja laske hitaasti jalkasi.
Sarjat ja edustajat
3 sarjaa 5 toistoa.
Pysyvä sydän polven kivusta
5. Seinän kyykky
Kohde - Nelipäät, hamstrings, pakarat ja vasikat.
Miten tehdä
- Stand with your back against a wall, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders rolled back, and chest up. Look ahead.
- Keeping your back against the wall, slide your body down and come to a sitting position. Reposition your legs by taking a step ahead for balance and support.
- Keep your hands extended in front of you. You may also place them against the wall for support.
- Hold this pose for 10 seconds and relax.
Sets And Reps
3 sets of 10 seconds before you hold. Increase the duration of the hold as you progress and become more comfortable with this exercise.
6. Assisted Calf Raises
Target – Calves and hamstrings.
How To Do
- Stand behind a chair and hold the back support with both hands.
- Raise both the heels and hold the pose for a second.
- Lower your heels gently back to the ground.
Sets And Reps
3 sets of 12 reps. Do this 4-5 times a day.
7. Assisted Stair Climbing
Target – Knee extensors, hamstrings, quads, and calves.
How To Do
- Hold the top of the baluster of the staircase. You may also take the support of a tripod walking stick. Remember this mantra – up with the good, down with bad.
- Lift your good leg and place it on the higher platform. Balance your body on your good leg, walking stick, and baluster, and lift your affected leg. Place it beside your good leg.
- While coming down, go down with your affected leg first. Then, place your good leg beside the affected leg.
Sets And Reps
1 set of 10 climb-ups and 10 climb-downs. Increase the sets as you become more comfortable with the stair exercise.
8. Stationary Biking
Target – Quadriceps, hamstrings, knee extensors, glutes, and calves.
How To Do
- Sit comfortably on a stationary bike saddle.
- Place a foot on each pedal. Start pedaling. Be slow and gentle.
- You may also do the cycling exercise in a swimming pool with warm water.
Sets And Reps
3 sets of 30 – 50 reps
Aqua Cardio Exercises For Knees
9. Walking In The Swimming Pool
Target – Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and knee extensors.
Pool Condition – Warm water pool
How To Do
- Stand close to the pool wall. Remember – up with your good leg, and down with your arthritic leg.
- Bend your knee, lift your leg, and place it in front of you.
- Bend the other knee, lift your leg, and place it in front of you.
- Walk 15 steps forward.
- Walk back to your original position.
Sets And Reps
Do 2-3 sets of 15 reps of forwarding and back steps each. Practice this once per day under the supervision of your physical therapist.
10. Side Walking In Swimming Pool
Target – Knee extensors and all the tendons and ligaments in the knees.
How To Do
- This is very similar to walking in the swimming pool. Stand in the waist or chest-deep swimming pool (that has warm water).
- Lift your leg off the floor, bend your knee, and place it to the side. Maintain a distance wider than shoulder-width.
- Simultaneously, pick your other foot off the floor, bend your knee, and place your foot right beside the other foot.
- Go back and forth the length of the swimming pool to complete one lap.
Sets And Reps
2 sets of 1 lap. You may decrease or increase the distance covered or sets, respectively, according to your comfort level.
11. Underwater Treadmill
Target – Quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
How To Do
- You may find an underwater treadmill at the local physical therapy gym. Step on the treadmill and hold the side handles.
- Start walking at a slow pace.
- You may also run when you are comfortable enough. Do check with your doctor beforehand.
Sets And Reps
10 minutes.
12. Aqua One-Leg Jogging
Targets- Quadriceps, Hamstrings.
How To Do
- You may use a pool noodle under your arm to give you a balance and relax your shoulders.
- Rest your arms, shoulders, and forearms on the noodle while keeping your entire body straight underwater.
- Bend your knees at 90 degrees and extend the legs down as deep as you can.
- Pull your leg back, pointing the toes downward.
- Try to jog forward like this way, without staying in one place.
- Repeat the same with the other leg as well.
Sets And Reps
5 minutes
13. Aqua Squats
Targets – Quadriceps
How To Do
- Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your hands straight beside your body.
- Bend both knees until your shoulders are underwater and arms are at the water level.
- Straighten your knees and bring the arms down by your side again, coming back to the starting position.
- Keep your back straight all the time.
Sets And Reps
2 minutes
14. Step Up In The Swimming Pool
Target – Quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.
How To Do
- Place a sinkable box at the bottom of the swimming pool, near the wall, so that you get some support from the wall.
- Stand behind the box and place one hand on the wall to balance your body.
- Step on the box with your good leg first and follow with your arthritic leg.
- Step down in front of the box with your arthritic leg first and follow with your good leg.
- Take a back step on the box with your good leg first and follow with your arthritic leg.
- Step down behind the box with your arthritic leg first and follow with your good leg.
Sets And Reps
Initially, do 2 sets of 10 step ups and step downs. Take a break of 30 seconds (or more) between the two sets. Move on to doing more number of steps and reps as you progress. Do this once a day under the supervision of your physical therapist.
15. Side Leg Raises In The Swimming Pool
Target – Abductors and glutes.
How To Do
- Stand in waist-deep warm water. Use a water noodle to add some weight to the affected leg. You may also use ankle weights.
- Hold the side of the pool for support and balance.
- Lift your affected leg sideways. Lift it as high as possible.
- Slowly lower the leg.
- Pause and lift it sideways again.
Sets And Reps
3 sets of 10 reps.
These simple exercises can help strengthen your legs. If done right, they may also relieve your knee pain. However, it is important you take the necessary precautions.
- Do not go past the safe range of motion.
- Do not sit by folding your good leg over the affected leg.
- Avoid hyperextension of the knee.
- Do not perform high-intensity exercises.
- Avoid running, jogging, and dancing on solid ground.
- Avoid using additional medications to mask the pain.
The following tips can help promote faster healing. Do run these by your health care provider and trainer.
Tips To Follow
- Follow a balanced diet.
- Take your time and be gentle while doing the exercises.
- Always warm-up before exercising.
- Ice your knee when you feel it’s appropriate.
- In case of increased pain, talk to your doctor and rest your knee.
Low-impact cardio is a great way to get relief from knee pain, increase range of motion, and improve your quality of life. Do these regularly after consulting with your doctor. You should see the desired results in a matter of weeks. In case you experience any discomfort, please stop and check with your health care provider.
Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
1. Can you do squats if you have painful knees?
Regular squats are not recommended with painful knees. However, you may try aqua squats as they exert low pressure on your knees. Ensure you speak to your doctor before you start the exercise regimen.
2. How can I increase cartilage in my knees?
Polvien rustoa voidaan lisätä sisällyttämällä ruokavalioon terveellisiä ja proteiinipitoisia ruokia. Ota oikeat lisäravinteet keskusteltuasi lääkärisi kanssa, harjoittele säännöllistä liikuntaa ja yritä laihtua.
8 lähdettä
Stylecrazella on tiukat hankintaohjeet ja se perustuu vertaisarvioituihin tutkimuksiin, akateemisiin tutkimuslaitoksiin ja lääkärijärjestöihin. Vältämme kolmannen asteen viitteiden käyttöä. Voit oppia lisää siitä, miten varmistamme, että sisältömme on täsmällistä ja ajantasaista, lukemalla toimitukselliset käytäntömme.- Pienikokoisen liikunnan vaikutus nivelkipuun, toimintaan ja päivittäiseen elämään polven nivelrikkoa sairastavilla potilailla, polvi, Yhdysvaltain kansallinen lääketieteellinen kirjasto, Kansalliset terveyslaitokset
- Knee Osteoarthritis, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Incidence and risk factors of exercise-related knee disorders in young adult men, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Knee Pain and a Prior Injury Are Associated With Increased Risk of a New Knee Injury: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative, The Journal of Rheumatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Relationship between frequent knee pain, obesity, and gait speed in older adults: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative, Clinical Interventions in Ageing, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Managing osteoarthritis, Australian Prescriber, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Home based exercise programme for knee pain and knee osteoarthritis: randomised controlled trial, The BMJ, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Warm-Up Strategies for Sport and Exercise: Mechanisms and Applications, Sports Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.